Week Eight: “I got this feeling inside my bones…”

(8 weeks post break / 7 weeks post ORIF)

At this point, I was very accustomed to my routine, and feeling fairly independent at home. I even felt very self-assured away from home, and felt confident in my ability to manage myself in public. I was feeling no pain, and minimal discomfort- and was more than ready to move on to the next phase in my ankle recovery.


Excited that this was the last cast that I would wear before the boot- I didn’t mind being stuck in it for 2 final weeks. The end of this phase was getting closer and closer- and I simply could not contain my excitement!

I was so excited about my orange cast, that I even bought an orange/coral dress to match for an upcoming wedding! Haha! If I was going to be in a leg cast, I was certainly going to make it part of an amazing outfit!

In addition, since I didn’t get out much these days- I put on way too much makeup, all my favorite jewelry, and took about 50 selfies throughout the day. If I was going to shower, shave my leg (ha!), do my hair, and wear something other than bike shorts or baggy pajamas- I was sure as hell going to document it.
All dressed up- and SOMEWHERE to go!

The wedding was at an outdoor venue, with uneven gravel steps for seating. I scooted over to the ceremony area, and found myself being the star attraction at the event. I hopped off my scooter, strapped on my iWalk, clung to my husband, and slowly wobbled my way down the first step so that I could sit down, away from the crowds. The uneven steps and lack of railings certainly tested my iWalk skills and my courage. I only stumbled and almost fell over 3-4 times until we had to head to the reception (which, thankfully, was indoors- and on solid ground).

As the music started, I was a little bummed by the fact that I couldn’t dance all night- but the delicious food and drinks distracted me from thinking about that for a large portion of the evening. That was…until, our song came on!

“You know what, we’re doing this!” I exclaimed to my husband as I strapped on my iWalk. Even though the song was half-way over by the time that I managed to get strapped in and ready to dance, I was thrilled at the prospect of swaying while clinging to my husband, and enjoying “Brown Eyed Girl”. The swaying and shuffling ended along with our song, and the next song was much faster and contemporary. As Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t stop the feeling” came on, I sure as hell couldn’t stop now! Still holding on to my husband, I worked in some fancy foot/peg-work and before long, I had a crowd around me- watching the hilarity of my “dancing”.

Don't stop me now...
...I'm having such a good time!!
To see more selfies and dance moves, follow me on Instagram: @abee_buzz

It looked like combination of the can-can, one-two step, and finger-puppet dancing- but I sure as hell made it work! We all laughed, and sang, and danced, and had an amazing time! I probably danced for 30 minutes straight, until I could barely stay upright anymore. My ‘good’ leg was so exhausted, but I had never felt happier and more capable. And my poor husband, not only had to put up with my very eclectic dance moves, but was such a good sport for having me draped around him the whole time!

It truly was one of the best nights since I broke my ankle, and everything about it felt amazing!

And as we got home, I could not wait to be out and about again!

As soon as my head hit the pillow- I was fast asleep. 

I woke up 15 hours later.

5 hour wedding:
15 hour nap.

Wow- everything was so much more tiring and difficult with a leg cast and a peg leg.


I began learning my limitations, and began pushing them more often. This was something that I did on purpose, making sure to listen to my body. It allowed me to do more and more, stand longer, walk farther, and feel more comfortable outside my home.

This was the point where I actually started to see more progress, on a frequent basis. I could do a little bit more every day, I was pretty much independent at work, and I had my routine down to a streamlined science. I felt unstoppable, and consistently started to refuse the offers of help that always poured in when people saw me on my scooter or my peg. I had become a walking billboard for the iWalk and the knee scooter- and I stopped minding that too much.

As week 8 came to a close, I was extremely excited that I only had ONE MORE WEEK to go!

My last week in a leg cast!

My last week on the scooter!

My last week of being non weight bearing!

My last week of this stage in the healing process!

My last week of seemingly being on “PAUSE” in a movie about my own life.

I could not wait to press “PLAY”. 
